Our Supporters

Thank you to our Sustaining Sponsors! We certainly could not do this work without you.

At Urban Roots, our Sustaining Sponsors play a big role in funding our work. We value their commitment to building relationships and partnerships that extend beyond financial support to lending their hands, time and energy.

Because of the vital funding and support provided by Sustaining Sponsors, we continue to bring unique leadership opportunities to life for young people in Central Texas as we work together to address the inequities in our local food system.

Urban Roots Sustaining Sponsors help support our ongoing work in:

Youth Leadership

Providing a unique, supportive environment and program where young people grow leadership, creativity, and cooperative skills as they navigate the joys and challenges of growing food together for their community

Food Access

Working with food access partners and community leaders to distribute nutritious, culturally-relevant food grown on our farms to those experiencing the greatest barriers to food access in Central Texas


Practicing regenerative farming to be in good relationship with the land and build a resilient local food system as we grow food in an ever-changing, challenging climate 

Community Engagement

Facilitating youth-led opportunities for volunteers to participate in all phases of food access work – from seeding to sharing – as they experience our mission in action and find community on the farm 

Annual Sustaining Sponsors

Platinum Level:

Gold Level:

Silver Level:

Southwest Airlines

Funding Support

Urban Roots’ funding partners fortify our efforts and hold us accountable as we work to build a community dedicated to achieving food equity. Thank you to the following: 

Applied Materials Foundation 

Donald D. Hammill Foundation

ECG Foundation

The Powell Foundation

Texas Methodist Foundation

Tingari-Silverton Foundation


Clif Family Foundation

Austin Public Health, City of Austin

Harry E. and Eda L. Montandon Charitable Trust

Urban Agriculture and Innovative Production, United States Department of Agriculture

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