Urban Roots: Sunflowers

The sunflower is a hardy, drought resistant pop of color that help absorb harsh chemicals from the soil, as well as being a beautiful calling card to birds and bees (due to their seeds and nectar). However, they do need nutrient soil to grow. Otherwise, they thrive and manage in the harsh and dry Texas environment, and our roads and gardens would certainly look much drearier without them.

Did you know some Native tribes use sunflower seeds to make sunflower flour and their vibrant petals for dye? The stem was also used as a building material. Additionally, some traders managed to take seeds with them back to Europe and Russia in the 1500s, and by the 1800s over 2,000,000 acres of sunflowers had been planted in Russia! It seems it’s not just those in America who love the sunny flower.

The sunflower is quite versatile, from the edible petals to the seeds, and the stem… but did you know in a recent trend, you can also eat the head and buds? Sunflower flower buds can be cooked similarly to artichokes, can be eaten as part of a salad, or cooked in things like stir fry and taste both green and fresh. Meanwhile, the head is recommended to be harvested before the seeds harden, when the petals are still on the flower but beginning to go, and can be grilled up with just some oil in minutes, and utilized fairly similarly to corn (you can read here for further information).

If you try it out, let us know how it goes by tagging us on social media @Urbanrootsatx!

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